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Last updated June 13, 2024
If you have a ministry announcement, send an email to office@kelseymemorial.org with information about your event.

UPCOMING BIBLE STUDY Want to transform the way you read the Bible? Join us and learn how. Beginning June 26th we’re starting a new online study. Make sure you’re connected to our church’s Facebook group (Kelsey Methodist Congregation) and tune in Wednesdays at 7:30pm. There’ll be an in-person option beginning in July. Let John Fletcher know if you’re ready to join in.
Every 3rd weekend you can serve at Kelsey through our food pantry (Friday and Saturday) and by helping us prepare 200 sandwiches for Tacos Not Bombs (Sunday morning). We also want to hear about other ways you’re making Kelsey known as a loving church in our community.


MONTHLY BREAKFAST Every first Sunday of the month, the United Methodist Men host a breakfast for everyone. Stop by anytime from 8:30 to 9:30 to enjoy a great breakfast and even better fellowship. The next date is Apr 6th.

SANDWICH SUNDAY Every third Sunday of the month we prepare 200 sandwiches to give to Tacos Not Bombs. We meet at 9am in the Education Building. It's a wonderful way to support our community. If you'd like to also financially contribute to this project, let us know.


WEEKLY EMAIL Can anything good come from email? We think so. Our weekly email brings you uplifting resources and ideas to help you in your walk with Jesus. Subscribe now for a dose of inspiration!

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